Breeder Details
ID: 7383 - Fabricio (Ventura Khan) Ventura

First Name: Fabricio (Ventura Khan)

Last Name: Ventura

Kennel Name: Ventura Khan

Email Address: None

Website: None

Breeder of

No dog available for this as breeder.

Owner Of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
107856 PEROLA YORTER Female Black/Nero 2015-12-22
108544 AQUILES F.C.G. Male Fawn/Fulvo 2021-05-09
108550 No Image Found Female Brindle/Tigrato 2022-02-02
108551 ROYCE DI FLORIPA ZUE STOCKLER Male Fawn/Fulvo 2022-02-02
111306 BRUTAL MARQUES CORSO D ITALIA Male Grey/Grigio 2022-04-12
111310 SPARTA MARQUES D ITALIA Female Brindle/Tigrato 2022-09-20
111311 BONNIE F.C.G. Female Fawn/Fulvo 2021-05-09