Breeder Details
ID: 6758 - Gustavo, Priscilla Alves

First Name: Gustavo, Priscilla

Last Name: Alves

Kennel Name: None

Email Address: None

Website: None

Breeder of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
99330 CRONOS CASA DI CANE Male Brindle/Tigrato 2014-03-03
99333 ADELE CASA DI CANE Female Brindle/Tigrato 2016-01-27
Owner Of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
99330 CRONOS CASA DI CANE Male Brindle/Tigrato 2014-03-03
99333 ADELE CASA DI CANE Female Brindle/Tigrato 2016-01-27