Breeder Details
ID: 666 - David & Stacey Kuneman

First Name: David & Stacey

Last Name: Kuneman

Kennel Name: None

Email Address:


Breeder of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
28546 AMORE ELLY MAE Female Grey brindle/Grigio tigrato 0000-00-00
38099 CRUSADE'S WITCHY WOMAN Female Black/Nero 0000-00-00
85220 No Image Found Female Black brindle/Nero tigrato 2012-08-05
Owner Of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
13513 RIVALE'S BOGART DI AMORE Male Brindle/Tigrato 2006-05-01
38098 RIVALE DOC HOLIDAY DE ITALICA TERRAE Male Black/Nero 0000-00-00