Breeder Details
ID: 177 - Jean-Pol Willam (pres de couriere)

First Name: Jean-Pol

Last Name: Willam (pres de couriere)

Kennel Name: None

Email Address:


Breeder of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
7633 No Image Found Female Grey/Grigio 2001-05-01
12339 CHARON DES PRES DE COURIERE Male Brindle/Tigrato 0000-00-00
12345 FLORINE DES PRES DE COURIERE Female Fulvo black mask/Fulvo maschera nera 0000-00-00
12346 ZOE Female Black/Nero 0000-00-00
12349 ELSA DES PRES DE COURIERE Female Black/Nero 0000-00-00
12360 No Image Found Female Unknown 0000-00-00
16656 ECU DES PRES DE COURIERE Male Brindle/Tigrato 2005-08-15
26235 KHIARA DES PRES DE COURIERE Female Brindle/Tigrato 2011-08-04
27405 GIANA Female Grey/Grigio 0000-00-00
Owner Of
ID Name Gender Color DOB
12346 ZOE Female Black/Nero 0000-00-00
14848 No Image Found Female Brindle/Tigrato 2005-02-17