Cane Corso Details
ID: 91300 - NAMOR
No Image Found

Dog Name: NAMOR

Pedigree Number: WS25671305

Owner: N/A

Breeder: N/A

Father: N/A

Mother: N/A

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 0000-00-00

Color: Black brindle/Nero tigrato

Date of Death: N/A


Extra Titles:

HD: unknown

ED: Unknown


DNA Profile:


DSRA Result Certified: NO

Other Healthscores:

Other Information:

Children: (3)

ID Name Ped# Gender DOB Color
104351 No Image Found MAXIMO'S BLACK MAMBA WS47032901 Female 2012-11-02 Black brindle/Nero tigrato
92088 MAXIMO'S GOLD RUSH MAXIMO'S GOLD RUSH WS49823501 ICCF 1301226 Male 0000-00-00 Black/Nero
91299 MAXIMO'S NUKI MAXIMO'S NUKI WS47032902 Male 0000-00-00 Black brindle/Nero tigrato

Brothers and sisters: (0)

No siblings available for this dog.