Cane Corso Details
ID: 8449 - BORA

Dog Name: BORA

Pedigree Number: LI0791906

Owner: Paolo Renzullo (Re Manfredi)

Breeder: Paolo Renzullo (Re Manfredi)

Father: DIUK

Mother: TIGRA

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 2007-02-07

Color: Fawn/Fulvo

Date of Death: N/A


Extra Titles:

HD: unknown

ED: Unknown


DNA Profile:


DSRA Result Certified: NO

Other Healthscores:

Other Information:

Children: (0)

No children available for this dog.

Brothers and sisters: (7)

ID Name Ped# Gender DOB Color
9543 BETTY BETTY LI088141 ; ICCF 0901509 ; WS34217101 Female 2007-02-07 Fulvo black mask/Fulvo maschera nera
8969 No Image Found BRUTUS LI0791910 Male 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo
8968 No Image Found BORIS LI0791909 Male 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo
8967 No Image Found BASTERORSO LI0791908 Male 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo
8966 No Image Found BIANCALANCIA LI0791907 Female 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo
8965 No Image Found BRUNA LI0791905 Female 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo
8448 BIRRA BIRRA LI0791904; COR A 691-07/343 Male 2007-02-07 Fawn/Fulvo