Cane Corso Details
ID: 5854 - ALT
No Image Found

Dog Name: ALT

Pedigree Number: LI0347692

Owner: N/A

Breeder: Marcello Saccoccia ( Dei Peligni )

Mother: ELLADE

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 2002-11-26

Color: Brindle/Tigrato

Date of Death: N/A


Extra Titles:

HD: unknown

ED: Unknown


DNA Profile:


DSRA Result Certified: NO

Other Healthscores:

Other Information:

Children: (0)

No children available for this dog.

Brothers and sisters: (6)

ID Name Ped# Gender DOB Color
5856 No Image Found KUMA LI0347695 Female 2002-11-26 Black/Nero
5855 No Image Found ZETHUS LI0347693 Male 2002-11-26 Brindle/Tigrato
5853 GAMON GAMON LI0347691 Male 2002-11-26 Black/Nero
5852 No Image Found LEON LI0347690 Male 2002-11-26 Black/Nero
5851 DAVID DAVID LI0347689, FCPRW91509 Male 2002-11-26 Black/Nero
2162 NAIKE (ENCI NATKE) NAIKE (ENCI NATKE) LI0347694 ; NHSB 2498174 Female 2002-11-26 Brindle/Tigrato