Cane Corso Details
ID: 19129 - FIRUZA

Dog Name: FIRUZA

Pedigree Number: RKF 1208569

Owner: N/A

Breeder: N/A

Father: AREK

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 2001-03-03

Color: Brindle/Tigrato

Date of Death: N/A


Extra Titles:

HD: unknown

ED: Unknown


DNA Profile:


DSRA Result Certified: NO

Other Healthscores:

Other Information:

Children: (3)

ID Name Ped# Gender DOB Color
29678 No Image Found EKSKLJUZIV-N BRITNEY RKF 1637363 Female 2004-06-19 Grey brindle/Grigio tigrato
26373 No Image Found EKSKLJUZIV-N BAVARIYA RKF 1637365 Female 2004-06-19 Black/Nero
19130 EKSKLJUZIV-N BUCH EKSKLJUZIV-N BUCH RKF 1637359 Male 2004-06-19 Black/Nero

Brothers and sisters: (3)

ID Name Ped# Gender DOB Color
17362 PATRICIA PATRICIA RKF 1003441 Female 1999-03-26 Black/Nero
16784 No Image Found ZHULI RKF 0000082 Female 0000-00-00 Brindle/Tigrato
9069 IVONA IVONA RKF0000118 Female 0000-00-00 Unknown